LK Merlynda Robinson - Romantic Love Poet - Romantic Poetry Posters - Live Romantic Poetry Readings For Weddings - Funerals - Poetry Literary Festivals - Fine Artist - Poetry Illustrator

R O M A N T I C  L O V E  P O E T R Y

R O M A N T I C   N A T U R E  &  P L A C E   P O E T R Y 

F A I R Y T A L E S - V E R S E  F A B L E S


LK 'Merlynda' Robinson

(aka 'Merlynda Jelly Jaws')

Listed Below Is A Selection of Romantic Love - Nature - and - Place Poetry Publications
by LK 'Merlynda' Robinson - Award-Winning Romantic Love Poet
and - A Selection of Humorous FairyTales-In-Verse and Verse-Fable Poetry Publications
by 'Merlynda Jelly-Jaws' - Award-Winning Children's Poet
  • Each Are Available To Buy Directly and via Bookshops - Please Order via Contact Page.

The Tale of The Goat & The Wolf

An Exciting Rhyming Fairy-Tale For Children - Just Perfect For Short Story-Time and Bed-Time - by the Award-Winning Children's Poet & Verse-Fabulist - Merlynda Jelly-Jaws!


Jolly Rhymes!

A Collection of Exciting and Hilarious Fairy-Tale Poems, Verse-Fables and Nonsense Poems - Just Perfect For Story-Time - Stage Performances - and - Bed-Time - by the Award-Winning Children's Poet & Verse-Fabulist - Merlynda Jelly-Jaws!


Tiggee-Tatter & Ticklee

An Illustrated Cute & Fun Poem About A Jolly Odd Friendship between Miss Merlynda's Sock Puppet Cat - 'Tiggee-Tatter' - and - his tiny little friend- 'Ticklee' - the Mouse! - Just Perfect For Bed-Time and Short Story-Time - Created & Written by the Award-Winning Children's Poet & Verse-Fabulist - Merlynda Jelly-Jaws!


6 FairyTales & Fables 4 You!

A Collection of Exciting and Fun Fairy-Tales and Verse-Fables - Just Perfect For Story-Time and Bed-Time - by the Award-Winning Children's Poet & Verse-Fabulist - Merlynda Jelly-Jaws!


R O M A N T I C - P O E T R Y - P U B L I C A T I O N S


LK 'Merlynda' Robinson

LK 'Merlynda' Robinson's Award-Winning Romantic Poems are published in 49 Poetry Anthologies which are available via a variety of poetry publishers - and - as Solo Poetry Collections - Available To Buy Directly - via Waterstone's - and via other booksellers.
A Selection of Merlynda's Solo Poetry Collections Are Shown Below.
To Order Copies Directly - Please Contact Merlynda via the Contact Page.

Romantic Love Poems

& Romantic Nature Poems

by Merlynda Robinson

A5 Saddle Stitch Chapbook - £6.99
Romantic Love Poems and Romantic Nature Poems by Merlynda Robinson - Chapbook - Devon Book Society - £6.99


Bucks Mills Poet In The Cabin

A4 - Illustrated with Black & White Photographs - Saddle Stitch Paperback - £11.99
Merlynda: Bucks Mills Poet In The Cabin by Merlynda Robinson - A4 Saddle Stitch Paperback - Devon Book Society - £11.99

The Romance Of Bucks Mills

by Merlynda Robinson

A4 Saddle Stitch Paperback - £14.99
The Romance of Bucks Mills by Merlynda Robinson - A4 Saddle Stitch Paperback - Devon Book Society - £14.99

War Poems

A Collection For Remembrance

by Merlynda Robinson

A5 Hardback - £9.99
War Poems - A Collection For Remembrance - by Merlynda Robinson - A5 Hardback - Devon Book Society - £9.99