Lynda K Robinson (LLAM, ALAM)
  • Award-Winning Romantic Love & Nature Poet
  • Award-Winning Love Stories & Fairy-Tales Poet
  • Award-Winning Romantic Love Stories Story-Teller
  • Multi Award-Winning Romantic Love Songs Lyricist
  • Artist - Illustrator - Cartoonist - Sculptor
  • Professional Ventriloquist and Public Speaker
  • Learn Public-Speaking & Ventriloquism Workshops


Lynda's (aka: 'Merlynda') Mesmerizing and Enchanting Romantic Love & Nature Poems - Beautiful Romantic Love Stories - and - Delightful Romantic FairyTales & Verse-Fable Poems - Are Published As: 

Books - Booklets - AudioBooks - Posters - Scrolls Cards

- All Are Available via All Good Bookshops - Direct via This Website - And - via:

PLUS:  Lynda's Lovely Live Romantic Love & Nature Poetry Readings and Romantic Fairy-Tales and Love Stories Story-Telling - Every Weekday Morning (10.30am-12.00pm) - and - Every Sunday Afternoon (3.00pm-4.30pm) - Take Place In Lynda's Lovely Little Garden -  between Emsworth, Hampshire - and - Chichester, West Sussex.  Seats Must Be Pre-Booked In Advance (Pay On Arrival) - For Over 16s/Adults Only. 


Please Contact via 'Contact Page' For Further Details - AND/OR - Email:

PLUS:  Lynda's Lovely Live Romantic Love & Nature Poetry Readings and Romantic Fairy-Tales & Love Stories Story-Telling - Are Perfect For : 

Poetry Festivals - Literary Festivals - Book Festivals - Weddings - Anniversaries - Engagements - Memorial Ceremonies - Funeral Ceremonies - After-Dinner - Radio/Film/TV. 


Please Contact via 'Contact Page' For Further Details - AND/OR - Email:


Plus: A Summary Of Information About Lynda Including: A Few Reviews - Biography - Awards  Performances - Publications - To Date




Lynda K Robinson Award-Winning Romantic Love Poet and Story-Teller
Lynda's Lovely Live Poetry Readings & Story-Telling
- In The Garden - Every Week! -

Romantic Love Nature & Place Poetry Readings

Romantic Love Stories & Fairy-Tales Stories Story-Telling

- Every Weekday Morning & Sunday Afternoon In The Garden -

- Weekday Mornings:  10.30am - To - 12.00 pm -

- Sunday Afternoons:  3.00pm - To - 4.30pm - 

Adults:  £6/PP - Discount For Group of 3 Adults = £5/PP

- Tea/Coffee/Cakes Included  - PLUS! - A Complimentary Love Poetry Booklet -

To Book Seats/More Info - Please Email:

Just A Few Reviews ...

“Lynda ('Merlynda') WOWED The Audience! - Everyone Enjoyed A VERY Entertaining Afternoon."
"We Were Swept Away With Merlynda’s Enthusiasm And High Drama, Which Brought Her Beautifully Crafted Poems To Life!”
"We could of not asked for it to go any better! I had LOTS of people speak to me after saying how many people ENJOYED IT VERY MUCH!"

"So ADORABLE!" - and - A JOY!"

Please SCROLL DOWN for Examples of:

Lynda's Romantic Love Poetry Readings Videos

Love Songs & Ballads - Ambient Music

- Plus - Lynda's Biography - Poetry Awards - Reviews

Plus - A Selection of Lynda's FairyTale and Verse-Fable Booklets ... 

"Amazing" - "Delightful" - "Enchanting" - "Mesmerizing" - "Fantastic!" - 'WOW!" 

"Lynda ('Merlynda') is a mesmerizing - astonishing - delightful - and - enchanting - 

Romantic Love Poet & Fairy-Tales Story-Teller"  

For More Information - and - To Book For Your Event - Please Contact Lynda directly via the 'Contact' Page 

- OR/AND - Email:  Thank You.

LK 'Merlynda' Robinson

B I O G R A P H Y - A W A R D S - P E R F OR M A N C E S - F E S T I V A L S - P U B L I C A T I O N S

Hello - My pen-name is: 'Merlynda’ (aka: Lynda K ‘Merlynda’ Robinson) and I’m a Licentiate of The London Academy of Music & Dramatic Art (LLAM and ALAM of LAMDA) - with 4 Honours Medals in Speech/Acting - a multi Award-winning and much-published Romantic Love Poet - Romantic Nature Poet - and - Romantic Place Poet - an Award-winning and much-published FairyTales and Verse Fables Poet - an Award-Winning Children's Poet (aka: 'Merlynda Jelly Jaws') - an Award-winning and much-published Romantic Love Songs 'Speak-Singer' and Songwriter - and - an Award-winning and much-published Keyboards Musician and Composer.

I am the Winner of The Golden Grove/Forward Poetry Prize, Prize-Winner of The PIM Poetry Award, Finalist of The National Poetry Rivals Slam, Highly-Commended Poet of The Portico Poetry Prize and The Serendipity Poetry Award, among others, and my poems are published in 49 Poetry Anthologies, as 16 Solo Poetry Collections and as 3 Audio Poetry Books (CDs), to date.

Over 100 of my Songs, Song Lyrics and Piano/Keyboard Instrumental Compositions for Romantic Ballet and Dance are also published. 

I was appointed BBC Radio’s ‘Poetry Expert’ for their ‘Functional Poetry Challenge Initiative’- and have frequently performed and broadcast my poetry live on:

BBC Radio Solent, BBC 3 Counties, BBC Southern Counties, on Delta FM - and Radio Lion. 

My live Romantic Poetry Readings - together a little live ventriloquism which I include in my Poetry and Songs Recitals - which were broadcast live on Radio Lion were also recorded live and are now frequently re-broadcast.

I’ve performed Selections of my Award-winning Romantic Love Poems and Award-winning Romantic Love Songs - and selections of my Award-winning Poems and Songs For Children (together with a little  ventriloquism and puppetry) - at a variety of Public Events - and - Poetry Festivals - Literary Festivals - and - Music Festivals - including:

The Festival of Chichester, West Sussex

The Havant Literary Festival, Hampshire

  • as Performance Poet & Support Act to BBC TV’s Mike Harding

The Beer & Oyster Festival, Hampshire

The Port Solent Event, Hampshire

The Elvetham Country Estate, Surrey

The Lanesborough Hotel, Park Lane/Hyde Park Corner, London

The Oakwood Theatre, Chichester, West Sussex

G-Live (Guildford Civic Hall) - Surrey

The Ripley Festival, Surrey

The Christmas Festival, Surrey

East Hill House, Surrey

Milkwood House, Hampshire

Greenbanks, Hampshire

The Wheelwrights, Hampshire

The White Hart at Harting, West Sussex

O’Connors and The Secret Garden, Hampshire

Christmas Event, Tiverton, Devon

Christmas Event, Appledore, Devon

- and at Festivals, Theatres, Clubs, Cafes, Pubs, Galleries, Bookshops - on the London Fringe Theatre Circuit - and at venues throughout England.

I am also frequently invited to read my Poetry live at prestigious regional Poetry Festivals - such as The Teignmouth Poetry Festival, among others.

I have performed my Delightfully Romantic - Inspirational - and - Enchanting Romantic Love Poems and Romantic Love Songs and Ballads - my Romantic Nature and Place Poems - Romantic Fairy-Tales - and - Selections of my Magical - Wise - and - Exciting - Verse Fables - together with 'Cameo' performances by my delightfully enchanting and very cute Vintage Ventriloquist Dolls - at a wide variety of venues and for a wide variety of adult audiences - from Theatres to Stately Homes - for Organisations - Societies and Clubs - at Poetry Festivals - Literary Festivals and Music Events - at Street Theatre Events - and for Members of The House of Lords.

I have also performed my own Award-Winning and much-published Romantic Love Poems - Romantic Love Ballads and Songs - Romantic Nature and Place Poems - and - Romantic Fairy-Tales - at a variety of Special Public Festivals - Woodland Festivals - Christmas Events - and - Award Ceremonies - Anniversaries and Weddings - and - I am also frequently commissioned to create and read Romantic Love Poems - and - Romantic Love Songs and Ballads - at  Weddings - Handfastings - Engagements - Anniversaries - Memorial and Funeral Ceremonies and Services.

Uniquely, I often include in my Live Poetry Readings and Live Songs and Ballads Recitals a little Live Singing-Ventriloquism together with my cute ventriloquist dolls - especially when singing and reading my Romantic Love Ballads, Romantic Love Poems and Romantic Fairy-Tale Poems for audiences of adults at very special occasions - selected from my Collection of Beautiful Vintage Ventriloquist Dolls. (I am also the Founder and Resident Trainer of the former ‘The Ventriloquist Club of Great Britain’ - and - a former professional ‘Punch & Judy Show Professor’.)

I am also an Award-winning and much-performed Monologues Writer & Speech-Writer for Performers & Public Speakers (Publication Title: ‘ACT! Alone: Scene-Stealing Monologues & Verse for Performers & Speakers’ Pubd. GAPP).

I am also a professional, commissioned and internationally exhibited Illustrator and Cartoonist - illustrating many of my Romantic Love Poems for publication in books, posters, prints and postcards.

In the 1990s, I was commissioned by The Art Institute to create an 850,000 word Art Tutorial Course - (Publication Title: ‘Master The Art’ - Published by The Art Institute, 1998.)

I am also a former Magazine Columnist and Newspaper Columnist of ‘The Observer Series of Newspapers’ - and was commissioned to write a regular, monthly, in-print ‘Astrology and Horoscopes’ page - ‘Scarlette Starz’ - for The Observer Newspaper’s colour magazine. I am also a former Copy Editor with ‘The Financial Times (FinTech Publications)’.

I was the Founder & Editor of the monthly, illustrated, in-print and internationally highly-respected poetry magazine: ‘The Poetry Box Magazine’ - and - the Founder & Editor of: ‘The Bucks Mills Poetry Magazine’. I am also the Founder and Host of ‘The Bucks Mills Poetry Festival’.

I occasionally include my Poetry & Performance/Public Speaking Workshops to my own Live Romantic Poetry and Ballads performances - conducting my highly popular and widely respected ‘Merlynda’s Poetry & Performance Workshops’ - especially at Poetry and Literary Festivals.

For Details of my Booking Fee/s - Availability - And - To Book Me To Entertain At Your:

Wedding - Handfasting - Anniversary - Memorial Ceremony - Poetry Festival - Literary Festival - Book Festival - Music Festival - Fairy Festival - Theatre Production - and on Radio - Film - and - TV

Please Contact Me via the 'Contact' page For Further Details.

My Poetry Booklets & Books are also available to order via my publishing imprint: 'The Devon Book Society' - and via Waterstone's and all good booksellers.  For Information & Details - Please Visit:

I'm also an Award-Winning, much-published, internationally exhibited, frequently commissioned Fine Artist - Illustrator/Cartoonist - aka - 'Kitty Pigfish' - Please Visit My Website To View Examples of my Illustrations and cute Cartoons:

Please Also Visit:

F A I R Y T A L E S    A N D   V E R S E - F A B L E S  

P O E T R Y   B O O K L E T S

b y


A Selection of Poetry Publications

by 'Merlynda Jelly-Jaws' (LK 'Merlynda' Robinson)

Award-Winning Children's Poet and Songwriter -

... Available To Order via Bookshops & Directly - Please Order via Contact Page ...

The Tale of The Goat & The Wolf

An Exciting Rhyming Fairy-Tale For Children - Just Perfect For Short Story-Time and Bed-Time - by the Award-Winning Children's Poet & Verse-Fabulist - Merlynda Jelly-Jaws!


Jolly Rhymes!

A Collection of Exciting and Hilarious Fairy-Tale Poems, Verse-Fables and Nonsense Poems - Just Perfect For Story-Time - Stage Performances - and - Bed-Time - by the Award-Winning Children's Poet & Verse-Fabulist - Merlynda Jelly-Jaws!


Tiggee-Tatter & Ticklee

An Illustrated Cute & Fun Poem About A Jolly Odd Friendship between Miss Merlynda's Sock Puppet Cat - 'Tiggee-Tatter' - and - his tiny little friend- 'Ticklee' - the Mouse! - Just Perfect For Bed-Time and Short Story-Time - Created & Written by the Award-Winning Children's Poet & Verse-Fabulist - Merlynda Jelly-Jaws!


6 FairyTales & Fables 4 You!

A Collection of Exciting and Fun Fairy-Tales and Verse-Fables - Just Perfect For Story-Time and Bed-Time - by the Award-Winning Children's Poet & Verse-Fabulist - Merlynda Jelly-Jaws!

C O M P O S E R  -  B A L L E T   m u s i c  -  D A N C E   M U S I C  -  a m b i e n t   m u s i c 
s o n g w r i t e r  -  s i n g e r  -  R O M A N T I C   l o v e   s o n g s  -  b a l l a d s

LK 'Merlynda' Robinson

I am a multi Award-Winning Songwriter and Composer of Piano and Keyboard Instrumental Compositions.
My Romantic Love Songs and Ballads - Ballet, Dance and Ambient Music - and - my Songs For Children have Won many Highly-Commended and Semi-Finalist Awards in The UKSC.
Here Are Samples of my Award-Winning Keyboard Instrumentals for Dance and Ballet. 
My Piano and Keyboard Instrumentals have also been choreographed by The Royal Academy of Dance School in Ireland and premiered at
The EQ International Festival of Ballet & Dance.
To Listen To More Examples of My Original Keyboard Music Compositions For Dance and My Original Songs - Please Visit My Youtube Channel.